母乳如何保护新生儿 How Breast Milk Protects Newborns

With permission from Jack Newman to post in LLL-China


From Dr Jack Newman (HUGE lactation supporter and doctor):




The photos below show how, when a mother is exposed to an infection, her body reacts to produce immune factors in her milk in order to protect the baby from getting sick. The whole article, written by me, is in Scientific American from 1995

https://www.dropbox.com/s/4v85fdtjv5u7o3j/Scientific American 1995%2C how bf protects.pdf?dl=0

下面的照片显示,当母亲受到感染时,她的身体如何在母乳中产生免疫因子,以保护婴儿不生病。我写的整篇文章发布在1995年的《科学美国人》https://www.dropbox.com/s/4v85fdtjv5u7o3j/Scientific American 1995%2C how bf protects.pdf?dl=0

There is a lot of concern about what to do about breastfeeding when either the baby or the mother has been exposed to coronavirus. The answer is to continue breastfeeding and keep the mother and baby together. Indeed, one can sense a panic about this virus which is new, and therefore few if any people in the world has been exposed to it. And many breastfeeding mothers have been told that they should not breastfeed if they have been exposed or actually have the infection.


Other than being “new”, there is nothing particularly special about this virus and the same principles apply as with other viruses. And mothers or babies who have been exposed to it should continue breastfeeding. Mothers and babies spend time TOGETHER. They are exposed to viruses and other pathogens TOGETHER. When either the mother or the baby is exposed to a virus, there is an incubation period before the onset of symptoms. In other words, the mother or baby are already infectious without knowing they are sick or feeling sick. And breastmilk with its dozens if not hundreds of immune factors (not just antibodies) are present to protect the baby.


It seems that the first reaction to any new virus is to separate mothers and babies and to tell them they can´t breastfeeding. The same happened a couple of years back with SARS, H1N1 and other viruses. But the safe course is to keep breastfeeding. The reaction “we don´t know, so the mother should not breastfeed, just to be safe” is not good practice.


So, THERE IS NO REASON TO SEPARATE THE MOTHER AND BABY. And no reason to stop breastfeeding. Indeed, there is lots of reasons for breastfeeding to continue.


Want to learn more about how breastfeeding protects babies against infection? See our eBook “Breastfeeding: Empowering Parents”. The eBook contains videos, links to scholarly articles and more: https://ibconline.ca/ebook/.




Dr Jack Newman杰克•纽曼医生。
1970年毕业于多伦多大学医学院。1981年成为加拿大皇家医师学会成员并在同年获得美国儿科协会的认证。1984年在加拿大成立了第一所医院里的哺乳诊所。他是联合国儿童基金会爱婴医院倡议活动的顾问,评估了在加蓬、科特迪瓦和加拿大的第一所爱婴医院。Dr. Jack Newman经常受邀至各研讨会演讲,他撰写的许多哺乳单张以及制作的母乳哺喂卫教影片广泛分布于各大哺乳资源中心及网站。

2013年Dr. Newman获颁女王钻禧纪念奖章 Queen’s Jubilee Medal,以表扬他为加拿大和本地小区所作出的贡献。