非母乳喂养的宝宝存在各种健康方面的风险 Babies who *aren’t* breastfed are at a higher risk of a range of problems



A Message from Diane Wiessinger, February 14, 2012

In a culture in which formula-feeding is believed to be normal and safe, it’s easy to suspect breastfeeding of causing all sorts of problems.  The reality is that babies who *aren’t* breastfed are at a higher risk of a range of problems from simple diarrhea to serious illness and increased mortality  in infancy and beyond, including higher rates of certain cancers, SIDS, and diabetes. Cerebral palsy results from brain damage, and it is not reversed by weight gain.  Being 10 percent underweight is not a source of brain damage.   Indeed, infant and young child physiology is designed to protect the brain from nutritional shortfalls.  Being ten percent below average in weight at 6 months would not in any way be considered malnutrition.  Indeed, half of all babies weigh less than the average weight for their age, just as half weigh more.  Average baby size is not a goal to be met by all babies; it’s simply an average of all healthy babies large and small.   There is no research to support a connection between cerebral palsy and breastfeeding; there are literally thousands of studies documenting short-term and long-term problems resulting from formula-feeding.  Exclusive breastfeeding for about the first half-year, with continued breastfeeding to the age of two or beyond is our biological norm – the standard by which all other infant health should be measured.